If you simply remove all doubt about the veracity of any and all politicians, and understand there is always going to be a time that they will lie, you won't wonder if they are telling the truth. You will always wonder if they are lying or not and disbelieve just about everything they say. The only question is exactly what part of the truth they have distorted or put a "spin" on to make it a lie, or so far from the truth that it really isn't the truth but they want to make believe it really is. You remember the old adage.."How can you tell if a politician is lying? Their mouth is moving!" Unless they're a good ventriloquist, that's probably true.
Take Bill Clinton. Please take him! You remember the immoral ex-president who "never had sex" with Monica Lewinsky. Now he's saying that Congressman Joe Wilson's outburst telling Obama "you Lie" was "racially motivated"? What a jerk. The same Bill Clinton who couldn't tell the truth if it smacked him in the face like an open book, written in first grade language? The same Bill Clinton who was disbarred from the US Supreme Court and who had his Arkansas law license suspended for five years in 2001? The same Bill Clinton who is the subject of many pieces, both online and off detailing nothing but lies emanating from him and his cabinet and his cover ups? And he has the balls to accuse anyone of anything? During his wife's campaign, he did everything he could to smear Obama (who I am not defending incidentally) and now wants to jump on the political bandwagon once again, by denigrating Wilson for his remark.
You GO, Joe! Maybe it wasn't in great decorum to make that remark, but you were right on target. We the people are sick and tired of the lies, and the run around, from the mealy-mouthed politicians who tell us things that are blatant lies and untruths, then backpedal, and can't remember the crap they told us before, stating we just didn't understand what they said. Or in Obama's words, he should have "calibrated" it differently.
They have enough hot air to float the entire state of New Mexico, let alone the balloons that race there!
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