Monday, July 18, 2011

Warning...Children at Play

In Washington, I mean. Grown adults, or maybe people sized as adults with minds that are so filled with lack of logic except political partisanship, that they just can't seem to get anything right. Or anything done!

What's the huge problem is settling the debt fiasco? And why do these imbeciles seem to believe the way to do it is to screw the old, the infirm, the senior citizens, the veterans, the middle class and forget about all the special interests and the rich? The Republicans are becoming as bad as the Democrats in their self-serving lack of logic. The filthy rich have told them "Tax Us!" That's right, a group of the wealthiest people said they don't pay their fair share and should pay more. What? Many of those Republicans signed a No Tax Increase Pledge? But that's only for their rich assed friends and special interests? It sure seems that way when we hear that to "fulfill the pledge" they can cut Social Security or veterans benefits to offset not reducing a tax loophole or giveaway for oil companies or ethanol production, or some other pork barrel item, thus not increasing taxes. For example, to avoid eliminating 7 billion dollars in ethanol subsidies, you simply cut slightly more than 7 billion dollars in benefits to the working class Americans, and you avoided a tax increase, although you just screwed tens of millions of people. Take away the homeowners income tax mortgage interest deduction,  property tax deduction and their tax bill will rise markedly. Those on the cusp of losing their homes due to affordability will fall over the edge. But do these buffoons care? Nope. Because they didn't have to raise taxes on big oil or corporate jets, or simply do away with the deduction of interest on planes or yachts for multi-millionaires and billionaires, nor the mega-mansions in Malibu, Laguna, Miami or the Hampton's! They'll simply put the screws to middle class America once again, and sit back and watch as more people lose their homes, because nobody thought about the long term consequences of what this would do.

That has become the hallmark of our politicians. They don't think long term. Here and now and not about later on. Like a child buying candy with their last money and eating it all at once. When it's gone and nothing is left, then they get concerned because they made a bad choice and they want more candy. So they cry and whine, kick and shout, and ask for more money or candy. See the parallels here?  Sounds like politicians, doesn't it? Maybe oversimplified because I don't know any kids needing several trillion dollars for candy...yet! Maybe after this administration gets done with us....

We'll all have to bite the bullet in this mess. But those who can least afford it shouldn't be asked to bite a howitzer shell while the mega rich are asked to chomp on a .22. Once again, politics shows, that the most vulnerable are the ones most likely to be chopped up in this mess as it runs the course in Washington.

The backlash won't be pretty. No matter how this is sliced and diced, nobody will like the outcome. Those pushing cuts with no tax increases will incur the ire of those they hurt; those pushing tax increases will incur the wrath of those who have to foot the bill, who might not be those who should be footing the bill at all.

One final just have to look at them like a group of  school children running amok before the bell. Even after they take their seats, nothing gets done. Because the head of the class is no smarter than any of the students, and no one is leading the group to a successful conclusion. The only thing they excel at is...recess!