Thursday, June 17, 2021

A country deeply divided

America is no longer a united country. In the past 18 months or so we became a deeply divided troubled country that has allowed what were heretofore splinter groups to take over, overrule the majority, and force their will on our citizens.Everything now hinges on race or some perceived "right" to do whatever they want. Miscreants protest that they have the right to free speech and want their First Amendment rights, as they scream profanities in your face, but do it back and you seem to have no right to free speech. A far left radical can speak anti-American rhetoric and hate to your children in school, yet if your child, or you protest, you will be ostracized and ridiculed. Something went way wrong in how our Constitution and laws are interpreted.  

The far left has not only allowed, but actually fostered, violence in our streets. Leftist politicians have goaded on and supported violent groups that have destroyed tens of millions dollars in property, looted, injured people, and left what were beautiful cities a shambles. Police were forced by politicians to stand by and watch the carnage and not to act as they had been trained, to maintain peace and order.Cancel culture is destroying our history, some which was not to pretty, but history all the same. Just because someone doesn't like what happened is no reason to change it. And worse, absolutely no reason to allow it to be changed to some unicorn and rainbow idea to assuage some splinter group.

Citizens and police are assaulted, and when arrests are made, the left leaning district attorneys and politicians collude to let them loose with no charges. The miscreants then go out and do it again. The no bail system allows hardened criminals to roam the streets free of concern they will be in jail with a high or no bail. A true catch and release system with virtual impunity to the offenders.

The leftist politicians, including governors such as Newsom of California, have opened the prison doors and allowed those who should be behind bars to live among us, continuing their criminal activity without fear of the police or prison. Numerous convicts have been released from jail, only to murder, rape and otherwise cause mayhem upon the citizens of our country. One city in California wants to drop all “enhanced gun charges’ that were imposed on criminals who used a firearm during a crime. Their logic? That it is unfair because 89% of people in prison for a firearms enhancement are of color! That should speak volumes in itself…when statistics show that many crimes are committed by people of color the incarceration levels sure seem commensurate?

The widely held belief by the left that criminals are the result of poor upbringing and just maladjusted is bullshit to say the least. They don't bother to tell you that many are the result of fatherless homes where the mother has a dozen kids with "baby daddies" who never take responsibility for their offspring, generations of welfare recipients who never work but generate income by birthing more children they won't take care of. And a system that won't force fathers to contribute to their child's living expenses and require birth control to stem the huge populations of unwanted children.  And, regardless of race, color or origin, parenting is a lost skill among many families. Parents are too much trying to either "keep up with the Jones'" or just so self-centered they don't take the time to be real parents. Many parents want to be their child's friend instead of a guardian and mentor. Latchkey children have become the norm, rather than unusual. Babies dumped in daycare from infancy to the time they go to school; then taught by teachers who are no longer the true mentors of children. Many intelligent parents no longer trust the education system with their children due to the far left and hate America curriculum.

 Educators use the leftist, Marxist and communist ideas to indoctrinate and brainwash children from the time they enter school. Teaching a child they can be whatever sex they choose at any time, or be sexless, and change it at will is ludicrous. Fostering the idea that any sexual deviancy or alleged preference is "normal" and should be embraced by all? Respect and tolerate but embrace? Putting forth educational materials that require children to not only accept, but embrace other lifestyles, is not what most parents want. However, with the parental abdication of responsibility that is so prevalent, they leave the door wide open to this type of teaching and forced conformity. A child that does not accept what they are being fed is ostracized and often retaliated against for not following the line. Kind of what happened in China and Russia where people were sent to concentration camps for not following the "party" line. How far are we from that?

Our elected officials, and I use the term “elected” loosely, have manipulated and bastardized the voting system to push into office people who actually hate America, and who spend their time on the taxpayer’s money spewing vitriol against the American people. The “squad” in our nation’s capital is a perfect example of people who were elected by those who could care less about the country, but rather themselves and what they can get for free. When an elected official can spew hate against America and not be censured or ousted, you can see where we are heading. The Democrats are protecting the haters and penalizing those who would dare speak against them.  

The police are aggressively targeted by criminals because they are supported by far left wing politicians and groups, whose sole purpose is to destroy the America we loved. When antifa or Black Lives Matter riot, destroy loot and injure, they are allowed to do so with impunity. Yet when a police officer legitimately strikes at one, they are disciplined, criminally charged and often fired, based on the complaints of minority groups.  It seems the far left has made it okay to shoot an officer but if one shoots a criminal armed with a gun, the far left caves to the cell phone video of an alleged witness, and the officer becomes the victim of a merciless crusade to destroy him and his career. The activists state that all police are bad, but if someone says that all blacks are criminals the uproar is unbelievable. Of course, neither statement is true; there are a few bad apples in every barrel, but the leftist narrative pushes the bad cop agenda every time. Guess they never read the stats.

The far left wants everyone to believe guns are the problem in this country, but not the criminals who have them. They believe it's necessary to register those with legal ownership of firearms, try to confiscate them, but that doesn't dissuade the criminals from having a gun and using it. When an elderly woman who steals a few cans of cat food that she intends to eat, because she didn't want to take the tuna that was more expensive,  receives a harsher jail term than a career criminal who beats someone senseless and takes their wallet, the system is way more than broken. 

We have become a country where work ethic is failing, where simply demanding more gets the attention and action of politicians who just want a vote. Instead of handing out free alcohol at the polls, they promise more freebies for the lazy and ungrateful.  Those who demand everything free are getting what they demand, and the administration has no idea how they will pay the piper when time comes due. Those who were never slaves demand reparations from people who never owned slaves, yet the politicians will spend millions figuring out a "fair" way to give those people money for something they never witnessed or endured. 

People who took out student loans and remained in school for a decade or more taking useless courses, some to avoid real work, now demand the student loans be forgiven. Yet they have done nothing to deserve it; just more far left rhetoric from politicians to promise something for nothing. Veterans who were willing to give their life for their country didn't have their GI Bill loans cancelled...they just keep paying. 

Senior citizens have gotten the bad end of the stick for years. In California, Governor Gruesome Newsom has handed out millions in funds to illegals and low income families yet senior citizens, many whom live way below the poverty line, got nothing.  The Governor found that allowing people to take the child credits and other credits not available to seniors could entitle them to money in the form of tax rebates. I can only hope the recall against this useless politician is successful. 

 Housing is certainly in short supply, but the infrastructure to support new housing is woefully inadequate. In California, for example (as well as many other states) electricity demand already outstrips production and rolling blackouts and outright shut downs are not uncommon. Water is in severe shortage due to the numerous droughts with no rain in the foreseeable future that could help fill the reservoirs. But the politicians constantly approve new housing developments, some with a thousand or more homes. In 2020 for example, there were 59,000 single family homes and 47,000 multiple housing units (apartments and condos) for a total of 106,000 new homes built. Yet there is no water and a sparse supply of electricity. To add comic relief of sorts, the politicians want to cut the credits and credit for excess generation from solar panels people already own, so they can give more freebies to people who don't have solar. Guess they see anyone who bought solar an elitist and deserving of flogging by the electric company! Nobody seems to recognize how much solar cost people to install, even on modest homes it was a mandated expense to have it installed  on all new homes as of January 2020. So, instead of selling power back to the grid, people have installed batteries for their nighttime use, or stopped conserving at all, which will make the electric problem worse. Nice work, politicos!

There was a time when many of us would lay down our lives for our country. Many did, some of whom were friends and colleagues. The times now dictate we would lay down our lives to protect our families from what this country has become. What a sad commentary on how America has devolved. Our current administration in Washington DC is pushing, not leading, our country into an abyss we will never crawl out of.