I just received a notice of the proposed water, and sewer fee increases for the Carlsbad CA Municipal Water District. While I recognize costs have increased, this seems to be an annual event with the last increase on October 1, 2007 according to the the city's own web site.
Here we are, in what the politicians hate to call a recession (hurts the economy I guess or maybe it hurts to tell the truth that we're headed on the death spiral toward a real depression) primarily due to the idiocy of the free spenders in our governmental agencies, no matter which level they be affiliated with; state, federal or municipal.
Yet in the interim, Carlsbad has managed to complete what is stated to be the most expensive municipal golf course in the nation, over 70 million dollars to build, yet it won't make a profit for many years. In the interim, guess who's going to pay for it? You got it, the taxpayers! Yes, Carlsbad generally has a budget surplus; too bad it's not put to use for the good of the general residents rather than a few who might be able to play golf and afford the fees! What about those on a fixed income, retirees and the disabled whom the increases in water rates will impact most. Our city father's obviously never gave any thought to the potential for a troubled economy when they spent the tons of cash on this one, did they?
And someone in out City Government even has the audacity, the unmitigated gall, to put forth the idea to pay the State of California hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps even a half-million, annually to provide free parking at Tamarack Beach, so the State won't put up pay parking sites. Hey, city fathers, get a grip. Use that money and put it toward the water bills! I even note you used our tax money to sue the state to stop them collecting the eight bucks. Maybe THAT could have gone toward the water bills? You're not doing Carlsbad residents a big service here. That parking serves the residents of the entire coastal communities and the tourists too, and most of the time locals can't find a parking spot, so it turns out we're paying for everyone in the county to park free at our local beaches while we have to pay to park at theirs, like Oceanside and La Costa and everywhere else? If beach goers are that fervent about using the beaches all year round, let them buy an annual pass and they can avail themselves of most of the beach parking in the State as often as they wish for a single price. (There are some exceptions, like Moonlight and Leucadia, so check the list http://www.parks.ca.gov/pages/737/files/dpr335.pdf )
These are tough times and we're being taxed and fee'd to death. The water increase comes at a time when we're being hammered by Tri-City who wants us to vote on a bond issue that will cost us tax dollars for 40 years, and the County wants us to pay $52 more per parcel for fire protection that we already have, to assist those who built in areas where they should have made developers pay for ADEQUATE fire protection. Now they want everyone in the county to pay for what the county failed to do when they allowed unbridled building to occur, and failed to require contractors to pay for fire protection that would serve those areas into the foreseeable future. The wildfires came, unfortunately destroyed homes, and now the county wants residents of cities who have paid for their fire departments and fire protection improvements, to pay for improvements for far flung parts of the county, because people choose to build in the back woods or on the urban wildfire interface. Bottom line is if you choose to live in those areas, you should bear the burden of paying for improved fire protection. We're already paying for law enforcement for the rural areas in the form of the Sheriff's Department!
Every time I look at the newspaper, some politician trying to figure out how to squeeze us a bit more and tax us again. Enough is enough. As for the beach, let the people who use the parking lot pay for the parking. These are the same people who think nothing of a four buck Starbucks, or an 8 dollar six pack of beer or a few cold drinks at a local watering hole or a meal at a restaurant that will cost lots more. Surely you don't think the cost of parking will keep them from enjoying themselves?
Finally, to loosen up parking spaces, how about restricting the motor homes, campers and vehicles with trailers from the road adjacent to the beach? Some of these take up three, four or more parking places that could be utilized for free parking. One "toy box" with the ramp open attached to a Suburban took enough space for at least 4 vehicles to park free. Some motor homes have vehicles in tow! And, tighten the hours on these vehicles if you're going to allow them to park there at all. Some come at 6 AM and stay until after dark, hogging those 3 or 4 parking spots all day. No wonder there is insufficient parking!
In this economy, let those who want to play, pay. Those who want to golf pay the higher fees to pay for the golf course. Those who want to park at the beach pay the parking fees. And give the taxpayer a break for a change. For one day there will be another taxpayer revolt in California and the people will say absolutely no more...and it will make Proposition 13 look like childs play. The stirrings and rumbling seem to be heard in too many circles to be ignored.
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