Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wake Up and Smell the Politicians....

Somehow, our government, including our new President Obama, has to have their head somewhere the sun doesn't shine (and I don't mean Portland, folks) not to do something about welfare and the handing over of billions of dollars to people who don't deserve the taxpayers money.

Anyone knows we're in a financial crisis in this country, and in most state governments too. Yet with all the hot air being blown around the legislatures, I have not heard word one about cutting down on welfare checks, and getting the recipients off their asses and into work programs that makes them earn their keep. Never heard it from Bush, and don't hear it from Obama, or the "Governator" or any of them. Why not?

You'll hear them talk about revamping Social Security, a program that people paid into as an insurance program to secure their future in their retirement years. That's no freebie for retirees, they paid into it as a savings program, the same with Medicare, and should rightly enjoy the benefits. Now if the government hadn't screwed around with the Social Security system and played with the money time and again, it's likely there would be plenty of money left far into the foreseeable future. But, then again, we're talking about politicians, who can never leave well enough alone and just have to screw things up.

It's time to quit paying people on welfare to sit home and get pregnant and have more kids, while Medi-CAL and other programs then pick up the cost of their medical care, delivery and childcare. Then they get on the WIC program and other taxpayer financed giveaways, and the more kids they have, the more money they get for doing nothing. They act as if it's an entitlement and the politicians pander to the recipients because they want votes. No, it's NOT an's screwing the American taxpayer who has to work and do without, so some lazy ass can sit on their behind all day, and then clog the system for free medical care for every little thing, because they have a go to the Emergency Room Free card, issued by the state who picks up the bills and hands them to the taxpayer. It's not the kids fault, it's the parents and they need to be told...after one child, you're going to be on your own. We don't want to hear the "my baby daddy" story time and again. If you have kids, you need to support them with the person you made them with. If you can't do that, don't have them. Because we're not going to be supporting you to do so.

Why do we give away organs to people who are not US Residents while Americans are on the waiting lists for kidney and other organ transplants? Why does our Medicare system allow people who are not citizens to be covered for medical procedures such as kidney transplants and followup care, while the American taxpayer has to pay for their own, or die if they can't afford it? Or lose their home and their meager savings while non-citizens get it all for free? Something is very wrong with how the system works, very, very wrong.

Why don't the politicians take action about all the free medical care and other freebies that the illegal immigrants receive? Once again, are they afraid to lose the vote of the sympathizers and willing to screw the taxpayers with all the bills simply to prostitute themselves for votes? It sure looks like it! Our borders are like Swiss cheese with all the holes and little is being done. All the hot air that emanates from both ends of the politicians about securing the borders is just that...rhetoric and hot air. If they think they are doing even a halfway decent job, then why do we seem to have felons who commit capital crimes here in the US that have been deported numerous times in the past, and yet they are here again! How many crimes does it take before these people are removed permanently?

Build a border fence and mine the damned thing. Make it a no-man's land for a half mile. Screw the environmentalists who complain that the desert tortoise or some other species might accidentally be unable to get over the fence. I guarantee that tortoise isn't bringing drugs or weapons, and anyone who tries is likely to end up in very small pieces. Sure, some will complain that it's racist and inhumane and whatever. Tough. If someone comes over the border with a biological or radiological or chemical weapon and sets it off in your town, what will you think then? Hundreds or thousands killed or injured but you still want the border unsecured? Of what about the felon who comes across and murders your family or children, after several prior deportations. Feel sorry for them?

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