Monday, April 6, 2009

What Now, Oh Great Leader?

Face it, America, we're screwed. Not that I feel like purveying gloom and doom to those who read my blog. No, that has been done very effectively by the economy and furthered by the idiocy of the current leadership of our state and nation.

The entire world is on the brink of disaster, with war on the minds of many countries, as Obama tries to "make nice" with them. To many he's seen as a brilliant speaker and a non-issue, the same as he was on the campaign trail ,when he caught the fancy of so many idealistic voters. It's telling when the glut of press reports out of a country he's in, are on Michelle Obama's clothing, rather then President Obama's speeches or actions. To the rest of the world, she's more interesting, I suppose!

The leadership has squandered out tax dollars effectively giving billions, leading into trillions of dollars of debt to companies who don't deserve a dime. AIG is just one glaring example of how handing out cash unfettered by proper and adequate regulation ends up feeding an alligator with fresh meat. When the meat is gone, he comes back for more, and all you have is the detritus he's left behind in the pond. That's what AIG has left for the taxpayers, my friends. If you don't know the word, it's what comes out of the other end of the 'gator. And, in the case if AIG 'gator, it seems to have a huge hunger and the poor employees and "little guys and gals" are whats getting squashed under the outflow. The executives are riding high on the head of the 'gator eating the fresh meat and probably will for the foreseeable future because while Washington talks tough, they don't follow through. Only on the little guy will they put the screws to them and ruin their life...not to the big guy.

Take Bernard Madoff for example. How did he get away for so long with so much? Didn't the Securities and Exchange Commission see something wrong there? Greedy people were the most likely explanation, as Ponzi schemes feed off those who seek high returns on their money in markets where the general rate of return just isn't all that great. The old adage "if it seems too good to be true, it usually is" always seems to be factual. In this case it was disastrous for all those investors. Madoff will likely die in prison with no enjoyment of his swindled money from here on in, but that's little comfort to those he screwed with his scheme. Then again, I ask the same question...why was there no watchdog at any level seeing this couldn't happen, especially at this level? Was the government blind or just turning a blind eye?

I have little faith in the current administration as I see it being filled with tax evaders and people who have had questionable pasts. Obama seems to draw these people into his circle and promote them to what could be their highest level of incompetence. Will this be the "peter principle" at work once again in Washington? We'll see soon enough as the bottom continues to fall out.

Obama will continue his tirade that all this mess belongs to Bush. And any success will be Obama's. You and I know that's a bunch of bull! Bush didn't start the housing crisis nor the meltdown on Wall Street. It was started by bad decisions in Washington, mostly forged by the Democrats and the illogical mantra that everyone deserves a house regardless of whether you can afford one or not. Push Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into cramming low down loans down the banks throats to keep money flowing, and add in the liar loans, and here we are. Cities crumbling, and once prospering neighborhoods becoming ghost towns.

Nice work, politicians. You sure have done well in screwing America, haven't you?

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