Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Middle Class Becoming Poor

I've recently read accounts where the middle class working Americans, those who have supported those who never worked, have now suddenly and through no fault of their own, have become poor. And know what? The government turns their back on them!

That's right. The people who worked, paid taxes, paid for all those lazy bastards to sit on their asses and have illegitimate child after child, receive subsistence from state and federal agencies and free health care, are suddenly finding themselves with no lifelines or safety net when their lives go bad. It's not a black, or white, or any color issue, folks. This crosses every line you can think of. It's an AMERICAN ISSUE! It's happening to your fellow countrymen and women each and every day, and could happen to YOU! As one of my co-workers used to say when we saw a homeless person: "There but for a few paychecks go I." How very true!

One article was about a Nevada couple who both worked their whole lives; the man unfortunately tripped and fell and broke his back. Then a broken hip, skin cancer and the onset of dementia. Out of work and living on social security, his wife had to quit her job due to non-flexible hours, and take a low paying job to be home to take care of him. They lost their home, have no insurance, have nothing, yet the government says they're not poor. Don't qualify for food stamps or Medicaid. WTF? We support all these people with multiple illegitimate kids who never worked, and the illegals, yet an American who worked his whole life can't get help because he gets a meager Social Security check and his wife works for what amounts to fast food wages?

A woman from Mississippi worked her whole life and now has become disabled and living on a very meager $679 Social Security check plus $41 in food stamps. She has to decide which of her 15 prescription medications she can live without since state regulations limit Medicaid recipients to 5 low-cost prescriptions each month. By the Federal government's standards, this lady is living in poverty, and receiving aid, which she obviously needs. But in my estimation, it's clearly not enough! Why should she have to pick and choose what medications she has to live without?

It doesn't just happen to people on lower incomes. A Hollywood prop master making $100K a year ended up living in a trailer in a mobile home park Nevada after sickness wiped out his savings and cost him his home in a once affluent community in California. He stopped repairing his car and let the tags expire to save money; he sometimes overdraws is bank account to pay the utility bills, costing him large bank fees. According to the Federal government, he is not poor enough to get assistance.

A health care bill is not going to fix the inequities in our system. What will fix it is getting the politicians off the dime and stop paying welfare to those who are able bodied and can work, put them into public service jobs , limit the amount of time welfare is paid, limit the payment of welfare to one child per mother, and quit all the payments to illegal aliens for anything.

If an illegal has a child, bundle them both up and ship them back to the country of origin. Close the border tight and quit pandering to those who seem to have no consideration to the sovereignty of our country, and who think we should be the great provider for every other person on earth. If a politician thinks Mexico is so great, send them there and let them live there as an ordinary citizen for a year. Then come back and tell us how nice it is. If you want to spend money, make Mexico nicer for those living there so they want to stay, not come here and live off of us!

I understand the want for a better life and the "streets paved with gold" north of the border story. But it's not true, and life here isn't about making good for those making the trek north anymore. It's hard times for everyone and work isn't plentiful for immigrants. Americans are tired of bearing the burden of health care and welfare for so many illegals. We have enough problems with our own recession, and our government isn't taking care of our own people. The system is failing us, yet people still want the system to take care of them. Is it any wonder there is a deep resentment that continues to grow?

It's not racist. It's not anti-Hispanic. We'd feel the same, and do, about anyone who illegally comes here and mooches off our system. We feel the same about the generations of welfare recipients who perpetuate the same fraud upon the government by raising yet more generations of recipients. Unwed mothers who give birth to yet additional generations of welfare recipients, who do likewise and continue to pump out burdens on the public dole. It's an unending cycle that the government does absolutely nothing about.

Daycare in high school so the unwed pregnant teens don't drop out? And just where do you think most of them go or do after that? Have more kids and live off the system! Sure, there are some success stories and we laud those teens who do go on to bigger and better things. But listening to the multitudes of kids who are still teens or maybe twenty and on their third child or more, all with separate fathers who don't support any of the kids, makes me sick. Because we support the kids simply because they exist, and some dumb ass wasn't smart enough to keep her knees together!

Yet our disabled and elderly who worked their entire life can't get enough to live on when they're out of work and ill.

Shame on our government for failing the Americans who pay the bills.


Anonymous said...

Dear All American,

We share many concerns, Sir, and point our fingers at the same culprits. Your indignance at the audacity of Uncle Sam rages somewhat more hotly than mine, however, because you seem to remember a time when the White House could be counted on to act honorably.

I, regrettably, am only thirty-one, and have experienced only the Viet Nam aftermath, Nicaragua, Iran Contra, Whitewater, and countless other travesties following 9/11, and know only to fear and distrust my government. The last time I voted in good faith was when Mr. Bush used his brother Jeb in Florida to steal the Presidential election. Now I vote out of a sense of lame duty, and I often feel like a sucker for it.

Anyhow, I like your place here, and I think I'll be stopping in from time to time.

I'm very, very sorry to hear about your sister, Sir. She sounds like a beautiful, wonderful woman with a brother who loves her.

Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance,


All American said...

Thank you for your thoughtful, and well thought out comments.

Yes, there was a time we all could look to Washington as a fortress of solidity and hope, rather than a quagmire of selfish greed, fueled with expansion of pork-barrel politics with the politicians wallowing in the same barrels as the pigs.

There is hope on the horizon and it's people like you who think and act with conscience.

Both eyes shut with a mind wide open can be a beautiuful thing!

Anonymous said...

You seem so very impassioned on the subject of illegal immigration. I do wish you would stop to better inform yourself. This posting talks a great deal about illegal immigrants being on welfare. All federal and state regulated welfare systems in the United States have as a requirement: "You must be a citizen of the United States or a qualified non-citizen legal resident." So, illegals aren't on welfare and aren't costing us, the middle-class, money by being on welfare. That's a fact.

All American said...
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All American said...

Yes, Anonymous, I am passionate about giving money to illegals. If you don't think we provide enough for these leeches, I suggest you hand over your paycheck en-total to the next one you come across.

The ER is full of illegals seeking medical aid, from true emergencies which I have no problem with, except following treatment they should immediately be deported. But cease and desist all the others using the ER as their private clinic, as the "clinica" which we already pay for, is closed at night and on most weekends, so the ER is their choice for colds, sniffles and yes, little boys who wear their shoes on the wrong feet all day, and mom brings them to the ER because their feet hurt. Been there and seen that scenario!

Half the children born in the State of California in 2004 were born to illegal immigrant parents at a cost to taxpayers of over 1.4 billion dollars. Guess who's paying for that. And you don't think that's a "welfare" benefit?

One illegal alien who comes in has children and we then end up with the family on welfare. Sure, you know the illegal does not collect welfare, but they get free medical care, females receive free birthing at any hospital, free post-natal care and follow-ups, the babies receive long term care and the family then lives on the welfare system. And California like many states goes broke while supporting millions of non-contributors.

Reminds me of the woman who came here and had the multiple births costing millions of dollars and her husband was allowed to visit from Mexico. Nice, sincere man told the TV News that he would pay back the hospitals. You know that could never happen and we were stuck with millions as the children were now "anchor babies" who spent months in NICU.

Being ignorant and picking on how one does or does not obtain the welfare is lackluster. It's like getting hit by an illegal with no insurance. How they obtained the car isn't a question. Why nobody ever stopped them from driving in the first place is. Because, like with welfare, you're still stuck with the bill!