Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Elections Are Almost...Over..Will the Trash Be Picked Up?

Every time we have elections, the candidates seem to think the more paper, and card stock signs they can plant all over, the better chances they have of being elected. Well, frankly, I don't see it that way. I see it as a blight on the streets of America and a mess that is seldom cleaned up immediately after election day.

For example, several days ago, I was driving on beautiful Pacific Coast Highway in Carlsbad, California when all of a sudden there was a blight of signs. They were blocking the view of traffic coming down a particularly bad intersection, where one road enters another. The signs were literally one on top of the other, as each candidates helpers jammed their sign as close to the other candidates sign, either to block it from view, or to get as much view for their own as possible. Take your pick, but what really occurred is they blocked the motorists' view, and created a traffic hazard! In about a half mile stretch of that beautiful road were hundreds of signs for candidates. It's almost as if one sign is planted and others grow up immediately along side of it!

On fences, on sticks, posts, poles, walls, anywhere they can be fastened, it seems they show up. On lawns and trees (if they don't get caught) and even attached to homes, the signs stare out hoping you'll vote for some candidate for a particular office, many of whom you have never heard of before. Or whom you have already passed over in the voter guide. Or whom you now wish you had never heard of, perhaps!

Then comes the election. And it's over. And the signs remain, although it's now illegal and subject to fines if the signs are nor removed within a certain number of days following election. But what happens? It seems the energy of the campaigns becomes drained and people now don't have the energy to go around and remove all the signs. Or don't remember where the last hundred or so signs were placed. And so, since it's illegal to remove another person's signs, they remain as a blight, and you curse the winner or loser, as the case may be, until the winds and rains wash away the vestiges of yet another election.

And you wonder why Election Day is so close to Halloween? Hmm...just watch the ads, the lies, the half-truths, the smears, the innuendos and how the candidates act, and you can see why some intelligent soul decided that placing it close to a day that commemorates the dead was such a good idea! Spooky to say the least!

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