We keep hearing how America is falling apart, America is becoming extinct, Americans values are gone, and so much more. But there is a simple truth to where this country is headed....
The problem lies not with America, but with people who have something to gain, either ideologically or monetarily, and who keep voting the same people in term after term. Regardless of how they squander the taxpayers money or how corrupt they are, the idiots keep voting them in time and again.
Why? Because many people, regardless of color, are on the gravy train that never stops at a station except to collect more money and benefits. Politicians pander to those who will vote for them by promising, and giving, rewards. More welfare, forgiveness of student loans, more shelter dodges for illegals, etc. If you offered a dollar to anyone who votes for you, it would be a crime. So the politicians simply promise more "dollars" in the form of freebies and those sucking off the hind tit of society go for the politicians who give the best freebies. Thus Sanders and Clinton, whose platforms include more and more give-aways, and subservience to foreign governments. Just like the current "leader" the future will be bleak if we do not turn things around.
I am so damned sick and tired of the police being vilified because 99.99 percent do a good job and are honest, hard working men and women in a thankless job. Black Lives Matter? Sure they do, every life matters. But the same people screaming at the cops are the ones who turn a blind eye to the crime statistics of black people killing other blacks. But that does not matter to them, they won't get out and make their neighborhoods safer, they just bitch and moan and sit on their collective asses while the cops are trying to stem the rampant crime. And they complain that police are harassing them when the police are in their neighborhoods and make an arrest, no matter how righteous. Yet they want the police to be there if the crime is committed on them. Same with a minority of Latinos and others who seem to think the only time a cop should be around is when they need one to cover their butt, not to arrest illegals or criminals or gang bangers! How sad for the good people of all races.
What is really disheartening is how many great people of color there are in this world, and the small number who have nothing better to do than protest, result in much public opinion being turned against people of color in general. Factually, they have the same problem as the police; most are decent people who just want a decent life. Most work and support their families and don't have time to protest all day. But exactly what has happened to law enforcement in general has also broad brushed the black community. If you are against the activists you are called a racist. If you are against the police you are called a supporter of the activists, nothing more.
The shooter who killed police officers in Dallas was a racist, through and through. Such acts severely deepen the chasm between the races and foster hate and division. Yet some people see this act as good and praise the gunman for his vile deeds. That is patently wrong on every level. What is wrong that we simply cannot see there are bad and good in every race and broad brushing everyone is just wrong?
In my opinion, the proliferation of freebies for people on the the public dole who should be working but will not, Section 8 housing where it is not warranted, and people having multiple non-family members living in the house at taxpayers expense, mothers with multiple children from multiple fathers who walk away from their responsibilities and move on to impregnate some more women, (Black and white and every other race, color are included), scammers on the system who collect benefits they are not entitled to, and the lack of a decent justice system that actually punishes criminals, especially those repeat offenders, are major reasons we are in this mess.
Speaking of criminal acts, it is outrageous where a citizen can make an honest several hundred dollar mistake on their taxes and be hounded by the IRS and charged interest, fines, and fees, while others can owe millions of dollars and get special treatment because of who they know or are. And the same goes for claiming disability benefits when people are actually able to work a solid job, but scam the system and feign a disability while sucking off the taxpayers paychecks. And they think they are actually entitled to these benefits!! No wonder Social Security is in worse shape than ever, when money is moved to the disability fund from the Social Security Trust Fund at the expense of retirees who count on that money to survive. And, those who have to worry about their benefits being cut are the ones who actually worked and payed into the system all their working life! As a note, I am not against those who have an honest disability, just the scammers who screw us all over. And I am mad at the justice system that turns a blind eye to allow these scams to continue.
Student loans are another issue today. Why is it that if you decide to go to any school, many for way over the four years and spend the student loan money on a car, bar, vacations, dates and everything else plus your schooling, and run up a $100,000+ debt that the taxpayers should be required to pick up YOUR debt? If a citizen runs up their credit card, nobody else gets to pay the debt. Many of us actually worked our way through college, and scrimped and saved to pay the bills. We did it by hard work, those with student loans had to pay them off month by month over many years. A month on forbearance meant another months payments at the end plus more interest. Why in hell should anyone expect that their student loan be forgiven? Maybe the government will then forgive mortgages? I think not.
People who went to schools they did not fully vet before enrolling now want the government to forgive their loans because they failed to do due diligence. What? Just because some people are idiots and easily scammed by any school, especially online schools and those who advertise online, they think we should bail them out? I hope they never buy a nice car, a home or anything else of great material value because they are in for a rude awakening. Nobody is going to pay the bills for them. GROW UP and get real. You made the decision so suck it up!
Finally, the "celebrities" who are absolutely nothing make statements that the "press" publishes, as yellow journalism does. These people are not celebrities but boils on the butt of society and how can anyone even consider listening to the tripe that emanates from them? Come on. America, wake up and get real. A wanna be singer, rapper, actor, artist, You Tube maker or anything else is just that...a wanna be that means zip, zero, Nada. Everyone should aspire to greatness,but these people will never be great, just mediocre at best.
1 comment:
I'm a young conservative I can't agree more with your posting
The young people of this generation wouldn't last a fraction of a second
In the circumstances of generations past. Unlimited information at they're
Fingertips and they are the most gullible yet. Constantly getting "bamboozled"
By schools,banks,and contracts. Everyone except democratic politicians
Peddling the same old failed socialistic policies. Thank you for your blog
It's like a breath of fresh air.
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