Thursday, July 11, 2019

What's Wrong with The United States...and California

First off, I suppose I have not posted here since I am so damned disgusted with our country lately and the State of California in particular. I found it difficult to actually read all the news, digest it and find out we are so screwed in every direction.

We all live in changing times and for some, I suppose that's just lovely. For most of us who were raised with common sense, a law abiding nature and grass roots of what is right and wrong, we believe the country is going to hell in the proverbial hand-basket. So let me share what I see as the biggest challenges, rip-offs and what will lead to the demise of this nation as our forefathers and those who wrote the Constitution saw it.

As far as America goes, this is NOT the America we came to know and love. It has gone way off base and seems to cater to splinter factions rather than the main populace. What ever happened to "majority rules" rather than any group can rule as long as they are weird?
  • The borders are a mess. As a country with laws and rules, we fail to secure the border and allow hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into the country with a catch and release policy. Homeland Security says that is not their policy but what would YOU call it when illegals are released with court dates that most never show up for? Not unlike fishing catch and release to me. Why have Border Patrol catch them if we are going to let them go?
  • Why not close the borders or make them so tight nothing can get through without acceptance by US? Stop kissing the ass of Mexico and other countries and just say NO.  Can everyone understand we support legal immigration and anyone who comes here illegally needs to be deported post haste!
  • We are all immigrants unless you are an American Indian, or more politically correct today, an "Indigenous People". I have an Indian friend who blusters at the Indigenous thing...he will never be politically correct and neither will I. He says he is an American Indian and proud. Sadly, the press and government panders to political correctness and blacks are now African Americans no matter where they or their forefathers came from. It just sounds good and gives a way to put everyone in a class so they have a place in society as a group. What if you are a mixed mutt like so many of you become a Dutch-English-Irish-Scottish-Spanish American or what? And why is there not a special group for that? Because we are not all clamoring for recognition as someone special...just Americans who came from ancestors who legally emigrated to America.
  • Democrats want to give away everything for a vote. They are all about immigrant "rights" but don't care about the taxpayers except want them to pay for it. What rights does someone who comes here illegally really have? The right to go back where they came from is all I see. And lawmakers have the gall to decry conditions at border areas while doing nothing to close the borders. If you love them that damned much, take an illegal family home to live with you! Of course stopping the flow of illegals would decimate the Democrats voting base.
  • Why do we fail the homeless and poor of our own country while giving billions or trillions to other countries and to support the illegal population? Homeless get no health care but the illegals get it free. How about spending that money to build huge homeless shelters and get those people off the streets, clean up their act and help them lead decent lives? Oh wait, most don't likely vote so there you go. 
  • Why are the rights of the majority being stomped on by the "whims" of minorities? And why do the courts accept frivolous cases that do nothing to solve the problems? Why do we have to accept unisex bathrooms where males can use the women's rest room if they feel like a female that day or vice versa. Children are not safe in the rest room by themselves with this sort of aberrant behavior going on. 
  • Why do we have to "embrace" the LGBTQ community. Most of us have been accepting, but isn't something wrong to glorify BF'ing your friend as normal? States fly the gay pride flag on their capitols but most no longer fly the POW/MIA flag. What's that...don't give a shit about our missing and captured service members but glorify aberrant behavior? 
  • Why are we forced into providing services to any group that goes against our moral and or religious beliefs? A country that was founds on morality and religious freedoms has been accosted by the courts who force us to accept and do things we are against, all in the name of "inclusion". 
  • Tell those who actually paid into Social Security that it is going broke, but make no inroads into fraud and abuse of the system. No significant reduction in all those who get on disability fraudulently while administrative law judges pass their cases with a rubbers stamp. Most never even get a physical and doctors and lawyers team up to make money rubber stamping disability papers. Hell, lawyers advertise on TV they can get you disability easily. They should be in jail, not on TV! Four and five adult members of a family all on SSDI? Something is way wrong there.
  • Tell us you will have to reduce Social Security payments in the future but not welfare payments. Again, entire families on welfare driving nice cars, gold jewelry, receiving Section 8 housing, free health care,  while people who worked their entire lives for a meager social security have to worry about being able to eat and keep a roof over their heads. 
  • Why is it okay for a Muslim to wear a face covering for a driver license photo but you can't wear a ski mask? It's okay for someone to get a pass because of their supposed religion but against the law to refuse to serve a someone if it is against your principles?   
  • Why is it we change laws because someone is "offended"? I am offended by the idiots who never want to live by the rules created by a majority and think we should be subservient to their whines and whims. Yet nobody cares if I am offended.
  • Slavery reparations is the latest joke here in America. I or none of my family ever owned slaves but some idiots in the legislature think we should make payments to the descendants of slaves and somehow that will make things right. All the freaking slaves are long dead for God's sake! They would get no benefit from this...but wait...the Democrats see this as helping solidify their voting base from the black welfare families who would get yet another cash boost with this scheme. What about others who were displaced like the Arcadian's and the Irish and the Chinese. Will we give billions or trillions to those descendants of people who were interred in camps during the 1940's when sentiment against Japanese was so low during World War II?
  • Why don't politicians see that cutting spending is what needs to be done, rather than raising taxes to cover their idiotic free wheeling spending?  Working people live within a budget and  pay bills and live within what you can actually pay. We don't get to raise money by charging others so we can live outlandishly.  Yet the governments seems to believe this is okay no matter how long they do it. The golden goose is almost dead but they pile it on anyway. 
  • How can a politician be so stupid to believe forgiving all student loans is a great idea regardless of the cost? Maybe helping those who go 4 years with some grants and such, but we have people who make school their entire life's career. I know several who have gone 20 years and keep going but make no contributions to actual life. And some still live at home with mommy and daddy while still taking classes that have led them nowhere. No, these are not kids but 30 and 40 year olds. Maybe I am jaded as I asked no help, and received none, for my education and attained advanced degrees while working. It was self satisfaction, and willingness to sacrifice for myself and the family's future. Guess the snowflake generation doesn't see it that way.
There is lots more but you get the idea. What was the greatest country on earth is dying a slow death, being hacked apart by so many factions that the politicians pander to. None of the politicians has the balls, or courage, to say NO! this is enough. In my opinion, we could never withstand the difficulties that our forefathers faced in America. This has become a me-me snowflake country where people are offended by the slightest thing and we actually build cry rooms at colleges because snowflakes are upset at who wins an election. When did we become a nation of pansy-assed cry babies instead of pulling up the boot straps and making this a better country?What will happen if we ever have another World War...will the snowflakes melt under their tables or in a cry room while the real Americans try and fight the battle alone?

Then, there is California. If anything can be done backwards, California does it. This state leans so far left I think they have to erect barriers to avoid falling into the ocean. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Taxes are raised at will with no input from the voters. The legislature imposes "fees" which subverts voter input, and thus can create new pots of waste at will. 
  • This is the only state I know of where voters actually failed to repeal a gas tax and new vehicle license fees because the legislators had someone write the ballots in a way most could not understand. The question was actually vote yes to repeal the gas tax and prevent new taxes and fees without voter approval. But the way the question was worded looked like if you voted no the tax would be repealed.  Sadly, not only did that tax remain but they increased it 50% more less than a year later. 
  • The legislature, with guidance from a new boy wonder governor, passes a bill to provide health care free to illegal aliens up to 26 years old. He also vows to improve that to cover all ages. Nice, while American citizens can't afford health care, we will now give it away to the illegals.
  • The legislature aka idiots in Sacramento gave themselves a 4% pay raise this year for doing a crappy job.  Where else can you get elected and then vote yourself a pay raise within 6 months of taking office...
  • A city in the San Francisco area allows illegal aliens to vote in school elections. Excuse is that all parents should have input into their child's education...How much longer before they are allowed to vote in every election?  
  • Gun ownership is challenged at every turn. With gun laws among the strictest in the nation, street crime still runs rampant in the bigger cities, with guns available everywhere. A law abiding citizen jumps through hoops, mounds of paperwork and pays extra fees to buy a gun while the street criminals have easy access. Seems the thugs don't register guns anyway. 
  • Ammunition sales are now subject to background checks and a new fee each time anyone purchases ammunition. Bet the gang bangers have access to lots of ammo, don't pay those fees or register. Another law that makes no sense. It does zero to stop crime.
  • Bleeding heart ultra liberal judges who let felons out on the street time and again to commit more crime. Hey, like that's not bad enough, they let illegal alien felons out on bail and they disappear to commit more crimes. Not only in California but the entire US.
  • Streets in major cities are cesspools of disease, trash, defection and urine all over the sidewalks and the homeless populations continue to grow. Los Angeles, like Seattle, is becoming a third world shit hole and while the government throws millions at it can't get a handle on it. Of course they throw lots more at the illegal population for the votes...go figure.  
I certainly don't have all the answers for all the problems we face. I was always willing to fight for our country at a moments notice and to help those in need. But the way things are going, the true patriots of America will continue to be fed up and disillusioned with the government and the lack of industry and work ethic of the latest generation. Our fathers and grandfathers were part of the Greatest Generation that saved the world from tyranny and I am not sure we could do it again like they did. Those who fought in Korea are now few, Vietnam veterans are now growing old and the resolute men and women who fought in the Middle East are now dealing with their afflictions as they age. What will the millenials and snowflakes do when asked to step up to the plate to defend America? God only knows....

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