All the protests going on about Black Lives Matter and the protesters saying that All Lives Matter is racist, I suppose we need to take a look at whose lives really matter if you look at it pragmatically.
First categorize all life. Human, animal, avian, aquatic, and even insects are all important. In that vein, let's leave out those of the non-human species. Yes, I know you don't think some people are human, but that's a topic for another day.
First, people cannot be grouped as to race color, creed, national origin or any other attribute other than themselves. People should all be accepted or rejected based on their character and individual qualities, not on a pre-judged stereotype or something that jumps out from a book or the silver screen.
Second, there are people that matter based on their moral, civil and humanistic qualities, and those are the people we all want to associate with and have as friends, or at the least acquaintances. Those people are the ones who strive to do well, are cognizant of their faults and failings, and work to be successful providers for their family and honest law abiding citizens. They are the people others look up to in life, and want to emulate to also become a success. Their lives definitely matter.
Third, there is the next group who sometimes stray off the track, who may have difficulties in life, but as a whole strive to get ahead, provide for their family and do as much as possible in their power to be a quality individual. Sure, they occasionally may have a bad moment and run into minor issues with the law, but are cognizant they need improvement and do improve. They are perhaps the people we also want as friends, and many are willing to be mentors to assist them in life. Their lives also matter.
Fourth, there is the group that seems to believe they are above the law, can do as they wish with no consequences, and willing to harm others without a second thought. Criminal activity is their daily work, and they have no consideration for others lives or property as long as they can get what they want, either surreptitiously or by force. Murderers, rapists, perverts, sex offenders, child abusers, shooters, looters, arsonists, people who brutalize and assault others, muggers, and many more are those, whom to me, their lives do not matter. It isn't whether they are of any color, race or creed, people who commit these types of crime don't deserve to live in a civilized society. They are the cancer that invades cities and neighborhoods, destroying those around them, a cancer that should be excised from society as soon as possible. Failure to do so allows that cancer to metastasize and grow until it destroys entire areas of the country.Their lives apparently don't matter to them, nor to anyone else, other than perhaps some defense attorney who needs the money, or wants to make a name for themselves in a high profile case.
If you look at what's happening now in our nation, the politicians are pandering to the criminals. Not to the protesters, that has long ago faded. The BLM protesters received some concessions, but foolishly allowed domestic terrorists and anarchists to become a viable part of their crowds. The anarchists, terrorists, arsonists and looters are way over the BLM movement, which was simply a vehicle to allow them to destroy in the name of equality. Regardless of what the BLM protests accomplished, the anarchists and terrorists want to keep on destroying, tearing the very fabric of society to the point where there is no resistance left and they get their warped way. Because of them, many who once supported the BLM are now moving in a different direction and no longer support the BLM message. Like babies screaming because the bottle is empty to children having a tantrum because they can't get a new toy, these people have crawled out from under the rocks in their relative's basements and seem to believe they can demand anything and it will happen. Sadly for them, they are really misinformed.
Those who would destroy America grossly underestimate the resolve of real Americans. Those who swore to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, are over the foreign bit. Now comes the domestic enemies. And as days continue, the anger swells within the real American communities, Black, White, Latino, Asian and everywhere else. They will not continue to accept this war on our country sitting down. The sleeping giant has been aroused, but has not yet risen. That, my friends, will be coming sooner than we think.