Ed Bruce had a song called "The Last Cowboy Song" in which he laments the loss of American icons, such as the cattle drives, the cowboys and the old west. One of the lyrics says "It's another piece of America lost".
We are losing much more than another piece of America today. The very fabric of society is being torn, no make that shredded, by domestic terrorists, anarchists and others who believe the way to their future is by destroying everyone else's future and obliterating the past as well. Tear down everything they don't like, spewing hate and discontent, and fanning the flames of diversity, all the while crying for inclusion and diversity. Damage, burn loot but blame others for the violence. Spew hate, but expect others to embrace the "cause", which has been hijacked from it's original intent. There is no cause any longer, it has become an all out attack on the American values this country was founded on.
Why do the "protesters" and I use that term very loosely, hate America so much? Is it because they have been indoctrinated by the schools that they are the most important living thing, although they have not contributed a single thing to society? Is it because they have been living off their parents and the system and now are more than willing to not only bite, but savage, the hands that feed them? Is it because they have been taught they don't need to contribute to society, but society should feed them just because they are alive? Is it because their parents were never really parents, just other non-nurturing people who gave them no morals, values or culture in their formative years? Is it because they have become criminals and now believe they should be able to take from anyone they choose with no repercussions? Is it because they are lemmings who will join any cause if it may result in their anonymity behind their actions?
I believe it is all the above. Looking at the multitude of videos of those rioting in our streets, they look like punks. Not a cross section of Americans, but just punks who have been supplied with the means to foist chaos on cities by the Democrat, leftist mayors and governors. Many look like tweakers and drug addicts; one was on a video and was flying so high I am surprised someone didn't have to hold him down from leaving the ground. Recent information points to George Soros funding this as part of his socialist agenda. Whether that is factual or not, someone is funding these people and leading them down a path to ruin. Of course they don't work, so rioting and protesting is a way to avoid any meaningful employment and demand that others pay their way. And since they don't contribute to society, the damage costs won't fall on their shoulders. The huge cost of repairs is borne by the real taxpayers of this country, diluting available funds for social programs the protesters are crying for. Maybe the government taxpayers should quit funding all the freebie programs and put that money into restoring what has been destroyed instead. Of course the liberals in Washington won't allow that, they are as bad as the mayors of Seattle, Olympia, Portland and elsewhere in lacking any moral values.
How many people believe any pf this is actually in response to George Floyd's death? Very few. This was planned and staged well before that occurrence, using his death as a catalyst for what was already planned. The destruction of public and private property, the destroying of statues and memorials, the looting and burning was a well orchestrated project. In the very first day or so I saw people using battery operated metal saws cutting through security shutters to gain access to loot stores. That is just not something you find at a demonstration. Planned well ahead of time for sure.
Recent videos have postulated this is the start to a civil war planned and orchestrated by the Democrats, who kept police away from doing their sworn duty to make rioting and looting easier for the "protesters". In cities and jurisdictions where the police were allowed to do their job, there was no widespread violence or looting. Only in places where police action was hamstrung by the leaders of the cities has there been this terrible loss of civility. Those "leaders" should be charged, tried and convicted of aiding and abetting a riot, instigating civil unrest, malfeasance of office and more. To allow them to continue to turn their back on the quality, law abiding citizens of their cities, moreover the country, is more than insulting, it is criminal.
There are millions of Americans who will stand up and defend America. Those who took an oath to defend their country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And, these are truly domestic enemies. Enemies who used what was perhaps a noble cause at the start, and devolved it to their own war on the American way of life. I firmly believe real Americans won't allow that to happen.
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