Last night's speech by Sarah Palin was compelling and anything but what one would expect from what many called a "novice' politician. In my mind she didn't sound like a politician, which makes me feel even better. Sarah Palin sounded like an American who is raising a family, serving her State and Country and doing it all darned well, by all accounts. And that's not only from her lips, but also from what many others say about her.
Sure, there are detractors, those who say she's not ready for the Vice-Presidency. Not enough experience. Amazing that she has more experience than the Democratic nominee for President, B. Hussein Obama! Sarah Palin tells it like it is and from all accounts always has. She speaks from the center of her mouth and not out of both sides, like Mr. Obama has. She's pro-gun and an avid hunter and NRA member. She knows where the need for energy independence lies and where the energy can come from and believes in drilling now, not kissing off to a bunch of environmental nambie-pambies who don't give a rat's ass if we all freeze to death in the dark, while they forge ahead on their save the planet agenda at all costs.
We all agree we don't want to destroy the environment. But there has been drilling in Alaska for many years with a sound environmental record, same as there has been offshore of California and the rest of the West Coast. But the environmentalists use the big "what if" bat to effectively block exploration and drilling, so we continue to be highly reliant on foreign energy sources. I received a copy of letter to a friend from Senator Diane Feinstein who dared state that drilling now is senseless, since we would see no benefit in reducing price nor dependence for many years. That's the same exact idiocy we heard ten years ago, when if we did the exploration and drilling we'd be ten years ahead now! That's the type thinking we need to abolish in Washington and in all government agencies, and having people like Sarah Palin on our side is a great plus in opening the doors to an energy independent America.
Speaking of which, Sarah Palin is the perfect partner for John McCain. They both are mavericks who know what's needed for America and won't flinch in going after it, and won't be swayed by political influence that tries to stand in their way. I hear people saying John McCain is too old. Too old for what? Too old to run the country the right way? Seems the younger guys have been trying to do it and not doing very well, so I think it's time we let age not be a factor and let someone who has used his years wisely take the helm and get us out of this quagmire we're in.
There may be no perfect candidate, much as there is no perfect person in this world. But when the chips are down, you really have to ask whether you want a one-term grandstander at the helm of the ship, or one who has been there and done that for most of his life, one who knows how to fight and survive under the most difficult conditions, and who has the tenacity and ability to lead us when we're in trouble, as we are today.
When the going is easy, it's easy to be a leader, because all you need to do is look good and sound good and everyone thinks you know what's going on and can lead them out of harms' way. But when the detritus hits the fans and the going gets really bad, the real leaders emerge, and I want to be behind a team that can lead through the bad times as well as the good.
For my money, John McCain and Sarah Palin are that team.
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