Monday, September 29, 2008

Who's Covering My Six?

I'm worried. Very worried. I'm afraid that if the Democrats win this election that the Second Amendment will be a worthless statement on a piece of parchment, and the right to keep and bear arms will end up lost in this country.

We have "evolved" or maybe that should be "revolved" into a country that coddles the criminal element and somehow criminalizes those who do good, making citizens the bad guys when they protect life and property. The anti-gun establishment somehow would make you believe that if you pass stricter laws banning guns, that the criminal element will obey and there will be less violence and death. Let me tell you that it doesn't work that way. California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation regarding so called "assault weapons", and has all but stripped ownership of those type weapons from sportsmen and legal owners. Yet the thugs and gangs have them. How and why? Because they don't purchase them legally. For any type of firearm, you must fill out all the paperwork for the DOJ and FBI gun checks and pass a safety course, and must wait the requisite ten days after purchase to pick up the gun, All this won't stop the criminal element from getting their hands on a firearm, as they obviously easily bypass this, and obtain all their sophisticated and not-so-sophisticated weapons illegally. It just constrains the legal purchaser who has nothing to hide.

If you legally own a firearm and an armed felon enters your home to rape or rob, and you shoot them, you had best aim well and shoot to kill. I don't say that in light terms, but you could be liable for their medical bills and rehabilitation if they are simply injured. God forbid they are crippled, you might have to provide for their future care as well! If they are illegal, you can be assured their family will somehow emerge from the woodwork, and claim they spoke and understood no English, and even though you commanded them to halt and warned them you would shoot, they understood none of it. Bleeding heart lawyers will make you the villain for protecting yourself and your family, and you will incur tens of thousands in legal costs, even if you finally win. If you lose, you'll end up appealing to avoid a lengthy jail sentence. You'll lose your job, savings and maybe your home as well, all because you did what was right!

Think this is far-fetched? Ask the NRA about some cases in California and other states. And, it will get worse if B. Hussein Obama gets into office. He pussy-foots around the issue on the campaign trail, but make no mistake, he's a gun control fanatic. He's voted with the anti-gun lobby many times and he'll be on the forefront of helping steamroll over the Second Amendment rights you have. Add to that the erosion that's now happening without his help and we'd be in deep kimche.
So, nobody is "covering your six" any more, other than the NRA and the ILA and a few more organizations. They have been instrumental in keeping gun ownership available to law abiding citizens while supporting tougher penalties for criminal acts using firearms. They join with most of us in the logic that the criminal is the user and not the gun, any more than the automobile is guilty when driven by a drunk driver. If we held the vehicle responsible for deaths in this country, we would be devoid of cars, as the automobile would be banned from our roads!

As for me, regardless of the outcome, if anyone enters my home with an illegal intent, the sight of the red laser dot and the sound of the Remington 870 racking a round are possibly the last things they will see or hear en route to a meeting with their Maker! As for the consequences, there is a famous line that I'd like to pass on:
I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6!
and one more
More people have been killed by Ted Kennedy's Car than by my guns!

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