Friday, October 24, 2008

The Man in the Mirror

Someone reminded me today that the person in the mirror has seen the world and not all of it has been pretty. War, violence, poverty, misery, hate, fear, greed, and more. But, somehow, through all of that, there has always been something that shines, something good that just glimmers through the dirt, muck and all the general lousiness that life can throw at you no matter where you are.

It's called hope. And love. And friendship. And compassion. It's the human side of people, the inside showing through the tough exterior. The heart of gold that shines through the drab fatigue or camouflage uniform caked with dirt or mud or salt water. It's the grin that lights up the face of the grizzled old sailor when the new kid does something right, and makes him proud, or the shy grin on a kids face when he puts one over on the old chief.

It's the smile on a woman's face when she tells you she loves you for the first, or the thousandth time, and the touch of her hand that only she can bring to your heart. It's the hand on her shoulder that tells her you'll be there through the good times and the bad; the rock she can always lean on and depend upon no matter what.

It's the handing of a smoke or a candy bar to another warrior when it's the last one you have, because it looks like he needs it right then more than you do. It's the tiny squeezing of a child's hand onto yours when they're happy, frightened, tired or just want the comfort of knowing you're there for them. It's the look an a old beggars face when you hand them a dollar, because it means more to them than it ever could to you.

It's the sudden outpouring of emotions when a certain sound is heard, or a smell wafts past your face, or a picture plays in your mind. For me it's the sound of the uilleann pipes that for some reason bring me back home to my roots, a sound so powerful that I am instantly transformed to my Celtic soul. Why? Could it be simply that my ancestors of Scotland and Ireland were drawn to battle by the pipes? Or simply entertained by them? I don't know, but the sound both mesmerizes and brings me to tears, as it stirs my soul with memories that I have no idea of whence they come. The human deep inside the gruff exterior emerges.

Spend some time with your inner self and reflect about what's right and good with you. What have you done and seen in your life that has been great; what have you accomplished that no other human being could have done? Had children? They are uniquely yours and nobody else could have had them. Adopted a child, painted a painting, drawn art, made a sculpture, took a special photo, participated in a charity event, given blood, donated an organ, helped a neighbor, been in the military, been a war veteran, been a wife or mother or father? Nobody but you could have done exactly what you did. Maybe something close, but not exactly. Never been replicated because you're unique.

Look for that special quality inside you and regardless of what you've seen, what you've been through, what the world has thrown at you, remember that inside most everyone is that something that shines. The beacon of hope that tomorrow will be better than today, and the next day better than that. It's what we have and that hope shines eternal for a better day for everyone. If it weren't for that beacon, and our belief that that beacon shines for each of us, the tunnel would be very dark, my friends.

Be safe, Be well and keep the faith, whichever your chosen faith might be!

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