Sunday, October 12, 2008

Now What??

Well, once again, the big boys will get the gravy and the small fry will get screwed. Our government will haggle over pennies, while bailing out the big companies that have been pissing away the stockholders money for years, while pocketing the profits and stuffing their Brooks Brothers suits with hard cash.

AIG made a ton of money on your insurance policies and everything else so what the hell did they do with the money. Maurice "Hank" Greenberg was so damned smart and smug? If so, how did the company go down the tubes so fast after he left? You just can't take an empire that big and shovel it down the poop chute that fast, unless the underpinnings were already crumbling, and I suspect the keystone had already been yanked long ago!

Why should we, the taxpayers, bail out these companies who made so much money off the sweat of our backs? They took and took and made money off of us, and now want us to roll over and pay more taxes to bail their asses out because they can't manage their own problems. Same with all the whining homeowners who have the liar loans. They knew they couldn't afford the homes, and yet they did the mortgages anyway. And the bleeding hearts want us to believe it's not the fault of those who took out the loans? If they were so damned retarded as to not understand the terms of the loans and the risks, they should have been given Thorazine and not a mortgage! Once again, how many countries do we know of that you can f**k up royally, and then say I don't know, and get rewarded for it by someone eating the cost of your idiocy? Next thing we'll be rewarding idiots who shoot people because they didn't know the gun was loaded! Carlos Mencia, are you listening? Here's your next show!

It's going to get worse before it gets better. Those of us who entered into mortgage contracts and worked our ass off to have a decent home, one we could actually afford while feeding and raising a family, pay our mortgage and bills, are pissed off at having to now pay someone else's mortgage as well, because they're stupid and/or greedy. As above stated, if you can't figure out that you can't afford a half-million dollar home on a burger flippers salary, you're an idiot. Nobody needs to explain that six bucks an hour is not going to pay a two thousand dollar a month mortgage now, or in 5 years, and you're not going to get enough raises at the Burger Barn to cover the mortgage in your lifetime either.

And, if a real estate or loan person enticed you into thinking you could afford the house, they should be publicly castrated, and then drawn and quartered in front of their own real estate office, bank or brokerage. Because they're worse than an idiot, they're vermin that preys on idiots like a cancer, and should be eradicated. If only there were a vaccine against such filth!

But take heart, middle class America. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. With any luck, it won't be a runaway locomotive coming at us ready to crush the rest of our hopes and dreams, nor will it have that dumb "O" symbol on it either. Isn't that for Overstock? I think it's also become the symbol for the new democrat candidate as well. Obnoxious?

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