First off, Obama pre-loaded his town hall meeting in Portsmouth, NH with a bunch of shills. The meeting was quiet and, as usual, Obama didn't answer any question directly, but did the usual dance around the questions leaving lots of room to change the story according to his whim in the future. The little girl who asked the health care question was pre-primed and was the daughter of a contributor and an Obama activist! Not a child with a simple question, but an Obama plant. Not even from New Hampshire, but from Massachusetts! Some say Obama even had people bused to the meeting from other states to assure a friendly crowd. What a bunch of crap that was.
Look at the video above. He compares the proposed health care system to the Post Office. Losing money every year, increasing the rates twice a year lately, cutting services and going broke. Yet he indicates that FedEx and UPS are doing fine. Hmm, sound like they need to let the private insurers handle this one with some government subsidies somehow? We definitely do not need a health care system that runs like the Post Office. Or, maybe when you reach end-of-life you suddenly go "postal"?
Far from the way the congressmen and senators were received at town hall meetings across the country. The public damn near tore their heads off about how the health care issue was being handled, spending and other issues. And Senator Arlen Specter had the unmitigated gall to state that the disgruntled Americans "were not necessarily representative of America". He must be a freaking idiot to think that and make that statement. Just who in hell does he think goes to those meetings to stand up and voice their opinions? People from Russia? No, Senator, Americans who are sick and tired of getting screwed by the way fast and loose spending politicians work on Capitol Hill. Those Pennsylvanians had your butt in their sights and were about to run you through the corn binder!
And it happened all over America. Yet the politicians think it's a minor issue and only a few loud-mouth Americans are speaking out. The crying shame is that more people didn't shout out on Election Day 2008 when it would have counted! But you can get these jerks out of office as soon as possible. Want to rock their world? Simply vote every incumbent Democrat out of office and put in a Republican and do the same for the Republicans. A completely fresh slate! And maybe start a campaign to impeach the egotistical, narcissistic leader who's at the head of this mess we're in?
One press release stated a "narrow slice of Americans who not only don't trust government, but also have come to regard it as a dark conspirator in their lives." WTF? That "narrow slice" is becoming a whole pie from what I see. Who decided that narrow slice theory. The yellow journalistic media who clears writings with the White House? With Obama at the helm people are becoming more and more distrustful of the government. With "planted" questioners to add to the dishonesty, tainted politicians on his staff from the very beginning. (usually they get that way after they gain entrance to office!)
Now I read that the government is worried because the right wing "militias" are once again having a resurgence in many areas of the country. The ATF as well as other official sources indicate such groups appear to be spreading rapidly, with "the most growth seen in a decade" according to the ATF. "Stresses of a poor economy, and a liberal administration lead by a black president" are among the causes for the recent rise, according to a report from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Gun purchases are at an all-time high and building. Personally, I think the government is worried that the people will revolt over what they're doing? I don't condone that at all, and it is scary as hell to think about what could happen if something like that ever comes to being!
The politicians need to start thinking more about their constituents and less about their pockets and aligning themselves with their parties. That's one major problem...they don't vote with a conscience because I don't believe many have a conscience. They vote along party lines to pass what's best for the party no matter how bad it screws the American people, then go back later and spend billions or trillions more to try and fix what they screwed up in the first place. They're no better than the government contractors who throw away your tax dollars on $600 toilet seats, and $400 hammers, or building an aircraft that costs $44,000 an hour to fly. Then again, give them the ability to spend, spend, spend with no real oversight and it's like letting a child run loose unsupervised in a candy store. A very big and costly candy store at that!
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