Monday, August 3, 2009

Lack of Comments Tell Me Nobody Cares

After all this time, the blog has had but a handful of comments, yet thousands of readers. I can only suppose that means either nobody much cares, and I am completely correct in presuming America has become a country of apathetic lemmings who don't have much to share about where their country is going. Or, that most just don't give a damn about what happens in America and sit and hope for the best, come what may.

I've shared my opinions on what's gone wrong in the country, and now it's your turn. While you all pay your share of the huge tax burden the current administration is heaping on your shoulders, while you just sit and accept it, remember you heard the warnings from multiple sources, including right here. Remember the campaign promises of "not one cent in new taxes"? Last month it was let's tax the rich. Now the theme is more new taxes on the middle class! The middle class has been paying for everyone in this damned country forever, and it's going to get worse. Funny thing is how the "middle class" keeps being those who can afford it least, yet those who continually get all the freebies and screw the government on welfare and social service programs never end up becoming the middle class, no matter how much they make, because they hide it from the government. Same with the illegals who get paid in cash and don't pay taxes, and day laborers who get paid "under the table". Yet they will become beneficiaries of new healthcare legislation the "middle class" will pay for...

What is "middle class"? That all depends on who you talk to and where you live. In some areas of the country, living on $30,000 gives you a comfortable middle class lifestyle, while in California it will give you poverty. Maybe it's best to use what Wikipedia calls the Vernacular Middle Class:

Vernacular middle class

The term middle class in more colloquial language use may refer to all those individuals who might at one point or another be identified as middle class, as they occupy neither extreme of the socio-economic strata. Most of those with households income between $40,000 and $95,000 identify as "middle class." The term can also be used to describe those at the actual center of the income strata, who may also be referred to as the middle-middle class. There are many different theories on the middle-middle class. The middle-middle class may be composed of those households with annual incomes of 80% to 120% of the national median household income. Persons in this income range could, in accordance to solely economic reasoning, be referred to as the American average. Such households would boast annual incomes ranging from $35,200 to $52,800, and thus be located in the middle of the income range. Some of these households, while actually being in the middle and thus sometimes referred to as being middle class, cannot, however, afford the middle class lifestyle. Yet another definition states that the statistical middle class includes all those households with income ranging from $25,000 to $100,000. This is, however, a very vague definition, as it includes persons from all but the lowest quintile. Using this definition creates a class so economically fragmented that it would lump together those who are struggling to make ends meet with two incomes and those who are able to live the iconic middle class lifestyle with just one income and are highly educated.

Your president wants to assure his ingratiation with all the people who don't want to work, won't work and are on the eternal dole, the illegals and the minorities (wait...we're the minorities, so strike that comment) and he's willing to bankrupt the country to do so. The heads of the agencies handling the money can't account for where it has been going, and don't know how to answer factually questions from Senators and Congressman when questioned about it. They just either play dumb or are actually dumb, or a combination of both. Even overseers of entire government departments, such as the Federal reserve can't tell where trillions of dollars have gone. Or maybe they know and won't tell?

What happened to all the bail out money? Some of the banks took the money they were supposed to use to lend to people who needed mortgages, and paid off their own debts, and bought other banks. Then ended up in deep crap anyway. The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric on January 12 did a segment on this. What a shame for the American taxpayers, and the government made sure it slipped under the radar so we wouldn't see it.

So, America, sit back and get screwed. You seem to be enjoying the fruits of your voting booth antics. You pushed or poked the ballot blanks for this group of morons, and now we're all stuck with them. And sadly, our children and grandchildren will be stuck with the legacy of their overspending and huge debt. Strangely the incumbents try and place the blame on the former administration for all the failures, and pat themselves on the back for any small success. Yet look at the debt...why is it so much more today than a year ago? That wasn't the prior group giving billions away while you ate canned beans, folks.

Just ask yourself...are you and the economy better off now than you were a year ago? Is your 401(k) or retirement plan better off now than it was a year ago? Is unemployment better now than a year ago? Are there more store closings now than a year ago? Are there more bankruptcies now than a year ago? That's right, folks. You made a really bad choice. One Big Assed Mistake America...

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