Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Time for Reflection

Americans need to take time to reflect on the past three and one half years under the current administration, and ask themselves are you really better off than you were four or five or six years ago?

Sadly, for most of us, the answer is no. That is, for the working class person who supports the rest of the leeches of society who refuse to work to maintain their lifestyle, preferring that the rest of us pay their way ad nauseum. Those and the Democrats who somehow inanely continue to believe that Obama and his crew are doing great things for America as he leads us down the path of Socialism. Hmm, it's easy to see why those sucking at the hind tit of the freebie pig are willing to give this mostly crew another go at the reins of the country, but thinking people? WTF?

The Obama administration twists and wiggles the figures to make you believe, in this election year, that all of a sudden they are doing a great job. Spending what will amount to a billion dollars in campaign funds to spread their own gospel, telling you that all of a sudden everything is coming together. That the bankers and stock brokers on Wall Street have all become angels, and that they didn't screw America after all. That the government actually extracted from them the FAIR amount owed to the people following the huge bailouts. That those responsible ALL went to prison for extended terms. That bailouts were somehow good for Americans pocketbooks, while the little guy got poorer or lost everything as a result of the debacle and the fat cats on Wall Street grabbed huge bonuses, golden parachute retirement plans and personal fortunes. Even mid-level executives made out like bandits while poor old Joe America watched their retirement fade away. And Washington sat on their collective asses and did nothing but point fingers.

Will Eric Holder ever be honest about Fast and Furious and all the lost firearms that went into Mexico and the drug cartels? How does he and the rest of the idiots who turned their collective heads, and shut their brains down, tell the family of the dead Border Patrol agent that this was a "mistake"? That they were inept and even though they were informed there were major problems, those brass upstream just kept the program running. The same government who would dare bring our military to court for such injustice, sidesteps it themselves and hides under the cloak of secrecy and executive privilege.

Maybe between vacations and campaign junkets, Mr. Obama should find some time to actually do something good for the country? It's not likely. In my opinion, he lies to present whatever suits him at that moment. And you can't trust a liar especially as your leader. Is he a pathological liar? You make the call. Ever since he disavowed knowledge of ACORN, yet was affiliated with them from as early as 1992, was a lawyer for them in 1995 and even spent over $800,000 in campaign funds with an ACORN affiliate in 2008. And he says ...ACORN who? 

It's time for change, and if you don't make it in November, you deserve what you get. Four more years of lies, deceit and socialist programs jammed down your throats.


Anonymous said...

obama just needs to leave the united states alone because all he has done is ruin it even more. i know not everything is his fault but he made problems even bigger but w.e. i just hope he isnt re-elected

Anonymous said...

Interesting, considering that welfare applications, food stamp applicants, and those on Medicare were all on the raise well before Obama was in office. Don't forget the stock market crash happened in September of Bush's last year.

Obama isn't the one at fault, its Congress for sitting on their hands and not doing nothing. The two party system is a joke and the rest of the developed world knows it, which is why others don't do it.

Keep believing Rush, O' Reily and Hannity, and have them form your opinions.

Presidents do not create laws, they only enforce them, Congress creates laws, and they have done nothing. Presidents are just pawns and a face of America.

Btw I am not democrat, republican, or affiliated with any political party. I am human which should be the title people should carry.

Vote out Congress for a real change.

Anonymous said...
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Katrice Jalb said...

I know your post is a few months old, but I was just doing some "web research" on America and how we are slowly becoming a socialistic, "I'm entitled to everything" type of country. I agree with the points you have made and I really wish people remembered what being an American really meant. I watched the election in a bar with my friends and when they announced that he had won, I cried while literally everyone else cheered. I realized then (being 21 yrs old) that my friends had no Idea what just happened to our country. When asked why I was crying and upset over such a great moment in history, I replied that I just didn't understand why everyone was so happy to have a president who wanted to make America just like every other country, when decades ago those countries came to America specifically to get away from their government.

I really hope we don't make the same mistake twice, but with the majority of the voters these days so influenced by one sided media and unable to think for themselves.. I really don't see that happening.


1851 Magazine said...

This month’s issue of 1851 magazine is dedicated to veterans! In our feature story, we have compiled a comprehensive list of the top 100 Veteran friendly franchises! We understand how important it is to support the armed forces when they return home specifically providing them with opportunities for success in life outside of the service. We know our veterans have been equipped with the qualities that are essential to lead a successful business. You can check out the article here: http://bit.ly/100-50 on 1851project.com! We’ve currently released 50 of the franchises; make sure to check back throughout the month to view the entire list! Furthermore we have compiled an extensive array of articles, interviews, and profiles that deal directly with veterans in franchising, veterans looking to get into franchising, and franchising resources for veterans. In honor of the impending holiday, we wanted to show our patriotism and gratitude for those who have and are serving our country.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The United States was ruined long before Obama took office. I mean really who in their right mind would start 2 wars and still cut taxes? With the increase in government spending that created it's no surprise our debt increased. Not to mention that when you do cut taxes you need to reduce government spending not increase it. We as Americans have been and continue to be disconnected from war, there was no sacrifice. Want to talk about wasted government spending? Let's talk about defense contracts. Why does a contractor working for a private company make 3 times the amount of an enlisted guy or girl doing the exact same job? Why are you continuing to pay these guys?

Anonymous said...

I agree that top executives tend to be compensated handsomely, even when a company doesn't perform well. However, all of this is nothing new. It's hard to blame just one administration for all of the recent problems. Take a look at these three articles:

The middle class has been shrinking for quite some time while corporations have been increasing top executive pay disproportionately compared to your low level employee: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/02/ceo-pay-worker-pay_n_1471685.html


And regarding the over spending of the government, bailouts included the CBO forecast unsustainable deficits in 10 years way back in 2001 (not even knowing about the impending housing bubble)

So all in all, for at least the last decade, it's clear that deficit wasn't a concern for either party. I really think the govt should tighten their belt, but unfortunately when that happens, less money makes it back to the people who gain benefits from the govt (medicare, defense, tax deductions, construction, etc.) This will unfortunately make the recession even harder for more people. I don't know the answer, but I do know that when the govt finally does tighten its belt, it'll be hard for everyone. Not just the middle class.