The news article starts out with: SDG&E Rates to Increase for Some Residents (not according to the published rate chart! That shows increases for everyone!)
About 25 percent of San Diego Gas & Electric customers will see an increase in their bill beginning this fall (The article says 350,000 customers but the rate chart covers all customers. Is there a method where some customers will pay more for the same usage than others. Will you pay more than your next door neighbor? How can it be the rate increases only cover 25% of the customers yet the charts show it also covers the entire utility customer base increasing? Sounds like a bunch of crap talk to this writer!)
Here's their Sept.1 increases:
And, don't you know they blame it on the shutdown of San Onofre in the following statement: The closure of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station has “created an untimely reduction in our region’s energy resources," explained SDG&E in the letter.
Better yet, further showing the greed of this utility, is the following statement attributed to SDG&E: She (Stephanie Donovan) also said the bill impact is 30-50 percent greater than what it would have been if the General Rate Case had been approved last year.
The article is here for your perusal. I'd use to line the litter box after reading it but I think it might make my cat vomit:
Once again, raising rates on a whim, unexplained blackouts and no protection from the California Public Utilities Commission. You do have to ask if someone isn't in the utilities pockets here? I'm not intimating they are, but you really do have to wonder how a regulatory agency lets this utility run wild with our money and just about every increase seems to be a slam dunk. Maybe the governor needs to dump the cronies on the CPUC and put some people with balls in there to stand up to the utilities and quit being lackeys to the power company.
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