Sunday, October 23, 2016

An Apocalypse For the Second Amendment

As many of us know, Hilary Clinton is against guns. She will tell you she supports the second amendment but it's a lie. She and others of her ilk would remove every legal gun from the hands of law abiding Americans and still not make a dent in the illegal guns used in criminal activity.

The logic of removing legal weapons from the hands of Americans to minimize the possibility of injury or death to others is like taking cookies away from every American because some are obese. Or taking away cars because some people drive drunk. If you simply look at statistics, many more people are killed by drunk drivers than all the legal guns in the country. But little is really being done to curb drunken driving.  People convicted of drunk or impaired driving will still get a car and drive. Same with illegal guns, they will always be available no matter how you try and punish the legal gun owner.

A scenario that should scare every law abiding gun owner in America:

Clinton is elected and within months of taking office she appoints another leftist liberal to the Supreme Court. Then the government submits that the Second Amendment is not constitutional and the now left leaning Court decides to abolish it or even worse, decides to "clarify it" to exclude the ownership of firearms by citizens. Note they no longer delineate legal from illegal ownership...they simply ban all ownership of firearms.

Legal gun owners submit petitions and attempt to have the decision overturned. The Supreme Court simply refuses to hear the appeals and Clinton signs an executive order to have all firearms confiscated.

The Federal and State governments use their gun owners lists to target legal gun owners and force them to surrender their firearms within 10 days. Clinton thought 30 days was too long and a lengthier time schedule might allow people to cache their guns so it was decided to force surrender quickly. When firearms are not turned in on schedule, police, bolstered by federal agents and US Marshals go house to house and remove firearms. Persons who refuse to do so are are arrested and their guns seized. Homes are torn apart looking for firearms that have not been turned in or seized.

A large group of gun owners refuse to turn in their guns and Federal troops are called in to enforce Clinton's edict. Homes are literally destroyed in the continuing search for firearms and there are armed confrontations in homes and on the streets. Clinton's puppet Supreme Court renders an emergency decision that owning a weapon is now a violent felony although no crime has been committed, except failing to turn in a legal weapon. Police and troops are given the orders that any engagement with a known armed person is reason to shoot on sight. Thousands are killed in the bloodshed following.

The hold outs still having weapons move to rural areas and establish compounds to retain their freedoms. Troops surround their compounds and move in with armored vehicles and tanks to suppress the revolt. In a few weeks, legal gun owners in America have been effectively disarmed.  

The streets of our cities are in total mayhem. The illegal guns have now taken over the streets. Gangs and thugs roam free and move from house to house, taking people and property at their leisure. Resisters are shot and the gangs proliferate and grow.

Clinton has achieved her goal, the legal gun owners have lost their Constitutional right to own and bear arms. America is in chaos, and the liberals have finally turned America into a cesspool, just like a third world country. America is lost and there is no turning back. We are just waiting for the first strike from Russia or even another country now that our citizens are unarmed.

Yes, this is a fairy tale. Rather it is a nightmare that has not happened yet. What gun owners do at the polls in November may well be the reason this never happens. Regardless of what party you used to support, is your freedom enough to continue voting on party lines? Nobody can decide for you, so you decide. Will it be freedom or tyranny?

Remember what happened when Hitler told the Germans that taking away their guns would make that country so much more peaceful. Do you not see the parallel here?

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