Wednesday, August 20, 2008



Is it just me, or is this guy just the most obnoxious and most irritating person to step foot in front of a television screen in the past decade? No, it isn't just me, since I've seen a petition asking people to sign to get this person off the airwaves. Obviously there are others who think this grinning buffoon is irritating, obnoxious and less than a joy to watch.

Every time I turn around, there he is. And no, it's not effective advertising, since I can't tell you what he's selling, but I do remember his name. That's called self promotion since he tells you his name at the start of every commercial, and always wears the same color outfit so you know it's him. That's my signal to get up and pee, or go to the fridge and see what's leftover, whether I want to or have to do either of those two things! . Hell, I'd eat some old food and chance poisoning rather than sit through one of his tirades on some useless product or service!

Not that Billy Mays is likely a bad person. He's probably a very nice guy, but he yells. And yelling is impolite and assails the senses of propriety. And a person who screams and yells with a huge grin sounds like they are talking to an audience of hearing impaired chimps, waiting for him to throw a banana or other morsel at the end of the tirade. That morsel never comes, unless it's some product he's hawking that the mute button has effectively cancelled out.

If you too are sick of the high volume yelling this guy vomits at your television screen on a constant basis, tell whomever he sells for you won't buy their products. Boycott the product and sent them an e-mail telling them why you're doing so. That's the most effective way to get that voice off your screen. Otherwise you're in for what seems like an eternity of high volume sales pitches for a lot of products that you haven't even heard of yet, and lots of reruns of those you luckily may have forgotten already!

Long Live the Mute Button!
Update: Sadly, and I truly mean that, Billy Mays has passed on. From all accounts, he was a very nice human being and a good man. That doesn't change the fact that most people simply hated his commercials, and had to put up with them between segments of their favorite TV shows. Maybe it's a tribute to his salesmanship or style or whatever, because all sorts of similar pitchmen have spawned from his genre, and even his infomercials continue to sail the airwaves long after his passing. So, Billy Mays lives on, if not in the flesh, in spirit and sound on your local TV and cable, and satellite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought it was just me, until I typed in Billy Mays and obnoxious and was amazed at the number of people like myself who feels my space being invaded every time this miserable loud mouth carny pitchman appears on my tv screen selling everything from insurance to impotence cures. If the unwashed masses would collectively quit buying from anyone who employs him we could end this brutal assault on our senses. Especially his alternating two handed plea and two fingered thrust!!!!!