This will be a short blog, just long enough to be sure to introduce a lady who needs no introduction and a link to her testimony before the Texas Legislature. She is a Texas State Representative, a member of that legislative body and ashamed of their actions in restricting the rights of ordinary citizens to carry weapons freely, while criminals wield weapons with deadly consequences. This is not a new video, but one that should never be forgotten.
Her testimony is gripping and compelling and gives you a glimpse into the horrors she witnessed during one of the worst mass shootings in our country's' history; a carnage that could have been stopped by one finger...hers...if only....
Click here: Suzanna Gratia-Hupp: What the Second Amendment is REALLY For
After watching this, take a moment to think about what your right to bear arms really means. Let her last sentence sink in. The right to bear arms to protect ourselves from tyranny from our own government if need be. As the world gets a bit crazier every day, we don't need to become survivalists or cavemen, but every person needs to remember our freedoms and rights are not to be taken lightly. You, and you alone, are responsible for preserving your rights and freedom and not allowing it to be taken from you. Politicians with too much power who decide what gun you can have, what size ammunition clip you are allowed, the type bullet you can own, can soon decide what type car you can drive, where you can live, how many children you can have and what you can eat. Think not? It's happened and is happening all over the world. It's like a cancer that starts out as a small invasion of cells and multiplies until it destroys everything that's good, and replaces it with what's not so good, but by then you accept what's left as being okay, as it's the only choice you have.
Freedom isn't free. People die for it every day, both here and on some foreign battlefield, wearing different color uniforms, some camouflage, some blue or brown, fighting different enemies. But for the same basic reasons. Respect it, enjoy it and never give it up, not one inch. If you think you're freedom is being trounced upon, stand up and fight! Make a difference!
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