Just a short reminder that comments are welcome, and I'd very much appreciate it if you pass my blog along to others! Lots of people tell me they read the blog yet don't take the time to comment. I'd like the feedback and comments, good, bad or indifferent. I know I'm not always 100% right, although I'd like to think I'm mostly in the right direction. (You know, like driving along without the road map when your spouse says "don't you think you should stop and ask directions, and you're too proud-stubborn-or whatever to admit you don't have a clue where the hell you're at, but you're not going to ask anyone for directions anyway!) Yup, it's that kind of blog, and it comes from the heart and the gut and from one who's been there and done that for the most part.
Also, not everything is wrong in America. There is lots right about this marvelous country, enough right that many of us were, and are, willing to lay down life and limb to protect life as we knew, and know, it was and should be for ourselves and our families. But it takes guts and determination to stand up and say what you think, and more than that, to do the right thing, even when it's not the popular thing to do.
Running with a bad crowd because they're "cool" or seem like the greatest people at the moment won't seem so great when you're sitting in a cell doing time, because those great guys pulled a liquor store robbery, or a drive-by shooting, or a car-jacking and you just happened to be hanging with them at the time. You'll be guilty by association, or an "accomplice" as it's known in the legal system. Then those "cool" guys or gals aren't going to do your time, or pay your fines, or lawyers fees, and the one word they'll have for you is "sucker" since they've likely been down that road before. You'll be the newbie that hasn't and you'll have one hard lesson to learn, along with an even harder lesson for your family.
So, stand up and do the right thing. Be a positive influence on others and don't fall into the pack simply because they're available, and you're also just hanging around. You have talent, so put it to use in productive ways before it, and you, are wasted. Because you only have one time to go through this life and no matter your age, this day only comes by once. Live, love and learn each day, and give to someone that which they cannot receive without you giving it to them...respect and love.
Finally, remember, as you give respect, you will be respected. And to be loved, you must give love in return. Life is a two way street and you can't walk the middle of the road without being hit by traffic coming both ways. You have to take a stand......
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