Friday, November 6, 2009

AARP Endorses Obamacare

I knew it would happen. It was inevitable. The AARP jumped on the Obama bandwagon, screwed all 40 million of its members, and endorsed Obamacare, even if it means that Medicare will feel a huge hit in the future as a result of the proposed healthcare "reform" package.

In their latest "bulletin" dated November 2009, sent to members, AARP once again promises not to endorse any plan that will hurt Medicare recipients. On page 34 of that bulletin, Barry A Rand, CEO, states "We have made it clear to the president and congress that we will fight with the strength of our entire membership, nearly 40 million people, to protect your benefits. We will block any proposals that eliminate benefits, raise out-of-pocket costs, reduce access to care or lead to rationing." Yet the same day that bulletin arrives in my mail, AARP endorses just such a plan that will strip 500 billion dollars away from the Medicare Advantage plan payments so many of the nation's senior citizens depend upon for care. It is those Medicare Advantage plans, administered through private insurance companies, that make drugs affordable, doctor and hospital visits affordable, and keep the costs of simply living within the reach of many of America's aging population. Medicare is a crutch and these plans provide a walker if you look at it that way. Without them, many of us still could not afford the hight cost of medical care, even through medicare!

Even one of their own AARP members on Page 40 of the November 2009 bulletin asks "Does AARP believe that when Medicare cuts 14 percent from its payments to Medicare Advantage plans, the 25 percent of Medicare recipients enrolled in those plans will not lose benefits?" AARP didn't respond. No surprise there!

Yet, the AARP, an organization formed by and alleged to serve the senior population, sucks up to Obama's healthcare reform like a Hoover to dog dander. They have become as deceitful and politically charged and absolutely have an agenda that does not serve the greater good of the senior citizens. Millions have walked away from the AARP and joined other Senior Groups, simply due to disgust and the alliance the AARP has formed with the current administration.

I do wonder if there are back door deals, pockets being lined, or what promises are being made, to get the AARP in such lockstep with this healthcare reform bill? How can they publish statements that they won't support changes that will hurt the seniors, and on the same day align themselves with changes that will do just that?

Wake up Senior America. Time to boot these people out of your life and look for something better on the horizon. They are not doing you any favors and are selling you down the river while telling you otherwise. Look at who runs the AARP and you'll find it's not people on Medicare who really care about what happens to us. It's people making money from the organization who have it as a job just like any other. Think of AARP as a political action committee that uses it's hulk to get what they want, and not what YOU need!


TexaslawyerEd said...

I am cancelling my AARP membership, and have joined AMAC, which does represent my conservative interests and values.

The leadership of AARP has proven themselves to be a liberal leaning group that endorsed expensive Obamacare, without the consent of their members.

AMAC (pronounced A- Mack) is one of the leading groups fighting against President Obama’s health care initiative. AMAC has organized “Tea Parties” and participated in rallies against expanding government and raising taxes.

AMAC is pro-life, pro Second Amendment, and thinks government has grown too large and powerful. AMAC feels our elected officials are ignoring the will of the people. The proof of this can be seen in the way Congressmen and Senators have been treating their constituents at the various town hall meetings.
I learned about AARP and AMAC at a reliable conservative News Site:

Ed Johnson, J.D., Attorney (Ret)
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney,
United States Department of Justice.

Bio: www.EdJohnson.Me

TexaslawyerEd said...

I am cancelling my AARP membership, and have joined AMAC, which does represent my conservative interests.

The leadership of AARP has proven themselves to be a liberal leaning group that endorsed expensive Obamacare, without the consent of their members.

AMAC (pronounced A- Mack) is one of the leading groups fighting against President Obama’s health care initiative. AMAC has organized “Tea Parties” and participated in rallies against expanding government and raising taxes.

AMAC is pro-life, pro Second Amendment, and thinks government has grown too large and powerful. AMAC feels our elected officials are ignoring the will of the people. The proof of this can be seen in the way Congressmen and Senators have been treating their constituents at the various town hall meetings.
I learned about AARP and AMAC at a reliable conservative News Site:

Ed Johnson, J.D., Attorney (Ret)
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney,
United States Department of Justice.

Bio. EdJohnson.Me

Anonymous said...

I joined both AMAC and American Seniors Association, ASA, they are both excellent alternative to AARP. They both cost the same and they are both aligned to the membership instead of the Democratic party.