Saturday, November 28, 2009

SDGE San Diego Gouge and Extort

Some interesting facts you probably didn't think of about your residential electric bill:

If you are overcharged on your electric bill one month as a result of an incorrect meter reading, you think, and are probably told by SDG&E, they it will be lower next month and it will even out. Not so!

Facts are that any electricity you are billed for, whether you use it or not, over the "baseline allowance" of 326 kilowatt hours is charged at a higher tier rate. The rates are based at up to 100% of baseline, 101% to 130% of baseline, 131% to 200% of baseline and then another charge of 131% to 200% of baseline for some odd reason. I'm sure SDG&E can explain away the second charge that is higher for half the month than the earlier charge but that's beside the point here.

The next month, if your meter is read correctly, your bill will be lower. Lots lower, since you will be getting billed likely at the under 100% baseline usage, and thus, the lowest rate. But you already paid a premium rate the month before for electricity you never used, and SDG&E didn't give you credit on your bill for your overcharge, either, did they? You just got gouged by the utility that you have no choice but to use.

Your protection? Check the date your meter has been read in the past, learn to read your meter, and read it every month. Both gas and electric if you're wise. Because you can't trust the gas and electric company to be right every time, and when they're wrong you'll come up on the short end.

Smart Meters:

You probably heard SDG&E is spending 500 million dollars to install a million "Smart Meters in San Diego County. Their publicity and bill inserts and media would have you think this is all for your benefit, and how you'll be able to watch your meters on-line and be able to track your own energy use. Right? When the hell did the electric company do anything good for YOUR pocket that didn't line theirs?

Truth is that THEY will be able to watch your energy use, and in the future, you will see peak demand pricing just like the big energy users. If you use energy during peak hours you will pay a big price for it. It will be Big Brother Utility's way of keeping their thumb on you, to be sure you don't use more at any given time than they want you to, and if you do, they'll slam you with a big surcharge for using more than you should. In this manner they can avoid building more power plants, and make you pay for plugging in your coffee pot when you come home from work, for that extra cup of coffee. It won't be worth it! There's nothing in this for you, unless you want to spend your time at the computer watching your electric and gas meter. Incidentally, having the computer on just adds to the electric bill...should there be a credit for checking your own meter?

Oh, by the way, those "smart meters"? They're presently dumb! They have to be read by meter readers, and there are already reports of severe overcharging, as the meter readers apparently have not gotten used to reading them yet. Once again, learn to read them every month and don't depend on SDG&E to do so. If you see a mistake, call them on it immediately, or you'll end up paying the bill, and the credit you get next month will not be equal to what you paid this month.

Finally, expect BIG problems when the system goes fully computerized. Can you imagine what will happen when you put 1 million meters on line? Mistakes will likely be rampant, so read those meters, and try and keep SDG&E honest. Because if you don't tell them they made a mistake, they sure as hell won't tell you!


Anonymous said...

I am a meter reader for sdg&e and those smart meters are a pain in the butt to read from a distance with a scope. Check your bills. We read the meters after installation to make sure they are being accurately sent via automation.

All American said...

Thank you for your comment! I also should have commented in the article that although smart meters will likely put more people out of work, SDG&E won't be cutting prices to offset their savings anytime soon. Another kick in the butt to the hard working American, who does their job under often difficult conditions, and their ultimate recognition is getting screwed by corporate America under the guise of streamlining.

Been there and felt that shoe, brother!

None said...

Wow almost 6 year later and sdge is still screwing people. I am a single woman and live in a two bedroom condo 700sft my bill during summer and winter when I use the heat or air is about 40 bucks. Last month out of nowhere my bill jumped to 106. So I shut off my air. Didn't even put up a xmas tree or lights. I didn't watch television. Obviously I made a huge conscious effort to decrease my energy use. My bill went from 106 to 239. Clearly sdge are serious criminals. Lie about energy usage. I don't even use a washer and dryer. I go to a laundry mat. Don't use a stove. Use a microwave for TV dinners. Or make sandwiches. They lie, they cheat, some months my energy bill is as low as 13 dollars. How do I go to 239? I am calling today will updat you on the outcome.