Saturday, November 14, 2009

Swine Flu and Obamacare

This is simply a test question. There is only one question and one chance to get it right. Your life depends on the right answer. Ready? Do you trust a government that screams paranoia about the severity of the H1N1 "Swine Flu" and tells people the importance of being vaccinated if they are in a high risk group, then can't provide the vaccine in the amounts originally promised to the public?

YES or NO? must make a decision. Because the next decision the government will likely make could be forcing Obamacare upon you and your family, like it or not. And, you need to make every effort to tell your senators your feelings about having that edict rammed down your throat, or up another orifice, before it happens and it's too late.

What happened to the original "every American being covered by health insurance"? That sure didn't last long. Those tall tale figures waned from perhaps a hundred million additional insured people to what, 36 million or so at last count? And the bill for covering one-third the number never dropped a dime, rather it seems to have remained the same or even increased?

And nobody will see the benefits of this 1.2 trillion dollar debacle (plus the billions spent by the current politicians playing with the bill to get this far) for about four years. All the while we'll be paying for it in the form of reduced Medicare benefits, reduced Medicare Advantage benefits, increased taxes and God knows what else they have cooked up to screw the taxpayer.

It comes down to a simple question. How can a government that can't get the swine flu vaccine out to the public, during a declared public health emergency, be counted on to handle a huge national health care reform en total? The simple answer is that they can't.

Does that surprise you?

Here it is the middle of November and the H1Ni vaccine is nowhere to be found, except in some public health clinics, and that's on a spotty basis. Healthcare workers are being told they must wait for vaccinations, as are senior citizens and others with cardiac and specific needs for immunization. Can you imagine having a true pandemic sweep a city or county, and all the healthcare workers who are supposed to aid the sick are instead ill themselves, too ill to care for those who need their skilled medical help? That could happen due to the manner in which the current vaccine shortage seems to be going. YOU could end up having to take care of yourself and not be able to seek medical aid. That's a scary thought.

Some figures:
  • The Obama administration ordered 250 million doses of vaccine.
  • They confidently predicted that 120 million doses woule be available by now (Nov 14).
  • Only about 42 million doses have been received by the government as of Thursday and not all of those have been distributed.

According to Fox News "A study released Tuesday from Purdue University said it may be too late for the H1N1 vaccine to be of any benefit to Americans, as they may contract the virus before the vaccine takes effect. The study said most people would be infected during the month of October at a time when the vaccine is not available to most Americans."

Of course, the government won't admit this. "Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleeen Sebelius disagreed and said government health officials anticipate a spike in both seasonal and H1N1 cases going forward, not a drop off — meaning that the vaccine will not reach the majority of Americans too late. She added that even those infected with H1N1 in the spring should consider getting the vaccine once widespread availability is made."

Believe what you will. It's no different than fighting a war. If they sent you into battle with no defensive weapon or bullets, how good would you feel? The flu enemy is insidious and silent, but just as deadly to many. Yet the promises of a shield to stop the flu bullet just isn't coming in time for many.


Mutuelle said...

Obama is doing the right thing.

Defiscalisation said...

People should take the necessary precautions in order not to be infected by the virus.

Rachat Credit said...

Each inhabitant should be vaccinated before its too late.

All American said...

Unfortunately, all the above three comments came from the same commercial site. The first one is in French and sells insurance. I should have checked the source before posting. So, in the future I will be more diligent. I should have noticed they were posted within one minute of each other.

OweEng2 said...

@All American, yes I totally agree with you, we should take extra measures to fight spam comments like that.

About the topic, We should be thankful that at least the government is taking steps for vaccination for this kind of viruses. In third world countries, they don't even have preventive measures for an outbreak like H1N1. Great blog, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe nobody noticed that the author claimed Fox News as their source for this. I'm a republican, but even I know that the folks at Fox News are crazy. They've convinced my fellow republicans that the media is biased (which it is), and that they aren't biased (which they ARE!). I just watch BIll Orielly and laugh as the rest of my family gets sucked in- sure much of his stuff is true and great, but he's no better than any other news anchor, and all of "his great stuff" is written by someone else, so he's not the genius anyways.

All American said...

I agree that Bill O'Reilly isn't a genius. But I also believe that we've been conned by the government big time in believing they have the wherewithal to protect us from a pandemic, when the single FDA approved source for vaccine couldn't possibly produce the necessary amounts needed to innoculate the population. Yes, there are now additional sources, but in a REAL pandemic, it would be too little, too late!